Vehicle fitting operations - level 3 apprenticeship framework
This framework sets out the standards and criteria you must meet to complete the apprenticeship programme and receive your apprenticeship certificate for level three vehicle fitting operations. This is the only level 3 training in this skill acceptable for apprenticeshipsni funding.

About the framework
This framework specifies the standards and the criteria for the delivery of level 3 apprenticeship training to achieve qualified status within the automotive retail industry.
Successful completion of the apprenticeship will lead to the award of a level 3 qualification and recognition as a qualified individual within the automotive retail industry.
Mandatory outcomes
Achievement of a level 3 apprenticeship in vehicle fitting operations will be assessed by verification through the appropriate awarding body.
You must complete both the competence-based and the knowledge-based qualification, along with the mandatory essential skills qualifications.
Mandatory essential skills
To successfully complete the apprenticeship, you must achieve the following essential skills qualifications or already hold a recognised equivalent:
- application of number – level 2
- communication – level 2
- information and communication technology – level 1
However, any qualifications you already have are assessed against the framework requirements and may result in an exemption from the above.
Competence and knowledge qualifications
You need to complete both the competence-based and knowledge-based qualifications shown below.
Competence-based qualification:
Knowledge-based qualification:
Eligibility and entry to the programme
You must be a new employee, or an existing employee taking on a new role to take part in the programme.
Entry to the level 3 apprenticeship is by progression from the apprenticeshipsni level 2 framework in vehicle fitting. Employers may also apply their own criteria at the recruitment stage.
You may also enter the level 3 apprenticeship, subject to assessment by the training contractor and employer, if you:
- have already gained significant work experience in your occupational area, which could be considered as meeting the requirements of the level 2 vehicle fitting framework and can show the capacity to achieve a level 3 standard
- have previously achieved a relevant level 2 recognised vocational qualification that is a mandatory requirement of the Level 2 apprenticeshipsni vehicle fitting framework
See also the DfE operational requirements.
Apprenticeship duration can vary and will be agreed between the apprentice, training contractor and employer.
Related knowledge
For this framework, the participant is required to complete a suitable employee rights and responsibilities (ERR) workbook. Framework certification is issued on confirmation from the training contractor that the ERR has been completed.
It is the responsibility of the training contractor/college to ensure that all components of this framework are delivered in accordance with apprenticeshipsni operational requirements.
The apprentice must be employed from day one.
Further information
The content of this framework (Framework No 383 Issue 7: 06/19) has been agreed by the Department for the Economy. For further information, contact: