Who to talk to about deductions from your Universal Credit
You can discuss your debts, including repayments, or dispute or appeal a decision.
If you have difficulty repaying an over-payment
If you are finding it difficult to repay an over-payment due to financial hardship, contact Debt Management as soon as possible to discuss an affordable repayment plan and other potential options.
You may be offered reduced repayments or, in very exceptional circumstances, it may be possible to waive recovery of all or part of your over-payment. You will be required to provide additional financial or medical information in support of any waiver request. There is no right of appeal against a decision not to grant a waiver.
Further information is available about over-payments of benefit and financial support or alternatively you can write to Debt Management Northern Ireland at:
Department for Communities
PO Box 2136
Universal Credit over-payments
If you wish to discuss a Universal Credit over-payment, or to dispute or appeal against a decision, you can contact Universal Credit through your Universal Credit online account or speak to your work coach in your local Jobs & Benefits office
To find out how much you owe due to a Universal Credit over-payment, to make a repayment, or discuss reducing your repayments, contact Debt Management.
Universal Credit Advance loan
To get information about delaying repayments for your Universal Credit advance loan, to dispute a decision about your advance loan, or discuss your repayments, you can contact Universal Credit through your Universal Credit online account or phone the Universal Credit Service Centre
To make a repayment, contact Debt Management.
You can check the balance of your Universal Credit advance loan through your Universal Credit online account.
What happens to your debts if Universal Credit is stopped
If you no longer get Universal Credit, action to get back any money you owe can include taking the relevant amount:
- from other benefits or payments that you get
- from your pay (by making ‘Direct Earnings Attachment’ deductions)
A debt-collection agency will be used to get this money back.
You may prefer to contact Debt Management to pay back any money you owe.
Messages to your online account about Universal Credit over-payments, Universal Credit advance loan repayments, hardship payments or third party deductions will be answered as soon as possible during business hours.
Hardship payment
For information about Hardship payments, or to dispute or appeal against a decision about a Hardship payment, contact Universal Credit through your Universal Credit online account or speak to your work coach in your local Jobs & Benefits office.
To make a repayment, contact Debt Management.
Third Party Deductions
For information about a third party deduction, or to dispute or appeal against a decision, contact Universal Credit through your Universal Credit online account or phone the Universal Credit Service Centre
If you have made some payments direct to the third party supplier, you can contact them to discuss the money you owe or to make a repayment. Their contact details will be on their most recent bills or on their website.
Benefit overpayments
To make a repayment, or to discuss reducing your repayments, contact Debt Management.
Housing Benefit
For information on Housing Benefit overpayments, or to dispute or appeal against a decision, contact Northern Ireland Housing Executive (if you are a tenant) or Land & Property Services (if you are a homeowner).
To make a repayment or to discuss reducing your repayments, contact Debt Management.
Discretionary Support and Short-term Benefit Advance loan
For information on Discretionary Support or short-term benefit advance loan over-payments, or to dispute or appeal against a decision, contact Finance Support Service.
Budgeting Loan
For information on Budgeting Loan repayments, or to dispute a decision, write to Lisburn Jobs & Benefits office.
To make a repayment or discuss reducing your repayments, contact Debt Management.
Tax Credits
For information on Tax Credits overpayments, or to dispute or appeal against a decision, contact HMRC.
To make a repayment or discuss reducing your repayments, contact Debt Management.
Help and support
If you want help or advice about your debts and paying them off, contact your work coach through your Universal Credit online account or phone the Universal Credit Service Centre.
If you would like independent help and advice on Universal Credit or any of the other welfare changes, you can visit any independent advice office or contact: