Contact Universal Credit for help with your claim
How you can get help with your Universal Credit claim
Contact Universal Credit about your claim
If you need help, information or support with your Universal Credit claim, you can use your Universal Credit online account or you can go to your local Jobs & Benefits office . You can also phone the Universal Credit Service Centre. Messages to your online account will be answered as soon as possible during business hours.
If you need an interpreter
If you need an interpreter to help you to claim Universal Credit, you can ask for this through your online account, your local Jobs & Benefits office or the Universal Credit Service Centre.
Sending documents or medical evidence
If you have documents or medical evidence you need to post to Universal Credit, it should be sent to:
The Freepost address should be printed on a single address line and no additional address details should be included. Envelopes addressed in any other way may not be delivered.
You can also take your documents or evidence to your nearest Jobs & Benefits office
If you need help to get online
If you don’t have access to the internet or a digital device (for example a computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone) or if you need help to get online, your local Jobs & Benefits office can help.
Contact your local office to arrange an appointment. You will be able to access a digital device and obtain support with your digital skills from a member of staff who can help you make or maintain your Universal Credit claim.
If you arrive without an appointment you may still be able to use our digital devices if one is available.
Attending a Jobs & Benefits office
If you arrive at a Jobs & Benefits office without an appointment you will be seen at the Welcome Desk, or an appointment will be arranged for a suitable date and time
If you are asked to go to an appointment, it is important you turn up as failure to do so may affect your payments.
If you are unable to use the telephony or digital services an urgent appointment can be arranged in your local Jobs & Benefits office. To arrange an appointment contact the Jobs & Benefits office on 0300 200 7822.
You should tell them when booking your appointment if you need interpreting support.
How Universal Credit will contact you
Universal Credit will contact you through your online account and by phone. You will also receive text messages (SMS) or email alerts, depending on how you asked to be contacted when you set up your Universal Credit account.
When a Universal Credit agent calls you, it may come up as an 0800 number or an unknown number. If you get an 0800 or unknown number call after you get a message in your online account, it may be about your Universal Credit claim, and you should answer it.
You can also ask Universal Credit to send a message to your journal confirming the call is genuine.
Text messages (SMS) will always be clearly marked as from the Department for Communities (DfC) and will never ask you to give (or click a link to give) personal or financial details by text message or email. If you’re not sure about any text messages (SMS) you receive about Universal Credit, or you think you have received a fraudulent message, contact your local Jobs & Benefits office immediately.
If you want to change how you are contacted, you can do this through your Universal Credit online account or by phoning the Universal Credit Service Centre:
Freephone: 0800 012 1331
Textphone: 0800 012 1441 (for deaf users or those with hearing loss and users with speech and communication needs)
For more information see scamwiseni.
If you use sign language
You can use British Sign Language (BSL) or Irish Sign Language (ISL) to contact the Universal Credit Service Centre:
To use the video relay service:
- check that you can use the BSL video relay service
- check that you can use the ISL video relay service
- contact the Universal Credit Service Centre via the video relay service
- The interpreter will check whether you require BSL or ISL
Information videos can help explain the key stages in claiming Universal Credit
Help and support
If you would like independent help and advice on Universal Credit or any other benefit, you can visit any independent advice office or contact the following.