Searching the Statutory Charges Register
Before you buy property or land, you can search the Statutory Charges Register to see if it is affected by any restrictions.
Statutory restrictions on property or land
This register lets buyers check if a property or land is affected by certain statutory restrictions which they could not easily discover.
These restrictions are created by or in favour of government departments or local councils and include:
- planning permission
- tree preservation orders
Searching the register for a property or land
A member of the Land Registration team will assist you to view the Statutory Charges map to see if a charge has been registered against the property.
For more information, about the registry, go to a LPS office:
For most searches, an address is enough to find the property. You might find it helpful to bring a map showing landmarks and road names.If the land has a Statutory Charge registered, you can see the details on screen.
Search/copy document fees - statutory charges
- £5.00 for inspection of each Register Sheet Entry or Map
- £6.00 for an uncertified copy of a sheet or map (one entry only) or application document
- £16.00 for a certified copy of a sheet or map (one entry only) or application document