Help for people leaving prostitution
If you have been involved in prostitution and need help to leave it, support is available to help you overcome some of the barriers you may face, including health advice, financial and housing support and help with getting a job.
Health advice
If you have any health problems or concerns about how to access the appropriate health care services, support is available.
You can find information on illnesses and conditions, including symptoms and where to get help at:
If you have concerns about drinking or drug use, a list of support service available can be found at:
If you’re concerned about your mental health, see:
Support for People with Disabilities:
For sexual health advice and support services, see:
- Sexual health NI - Public Health Agency
- Sexual Health - NI Direct
- Genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics
Financial support
It is understood that one of the main reasons for entering and staying in prostitution is financial, to pay for day to day living, education and debts.
If you wish to leave prostitution, find out about the benefits that are available below. A range of organisations also offer support:
The reduced income due to leaving prostitution may make it harder for you to pay a mortgage or rent.
If you are at risk of becoming homeless and need access to housing services, help is available:
- Keeping your home, homelessness and evictions
- Homelessness - Northern Ireland Housing Executive
- Homelessness
Employment and learning
There are a number of ways to find a job. Getting back into learning and developing new skills may widen opportunities. Information on looking for work, education and careers advice is available at:
- Returning to learning
- Education, learning and skills
- Training Programmes
- Assured skills training programme
- Careers Service
- Jobs and benefits
- Finding a job
The justice system
Prostitution is not in itself a crime, however, people involved in prostitution may become involved in the criminal justice system or be a victim of crime or abuse themselves.
Information on organisations that offer advice, support and practical help can be found at:
Domestic and sexual violence
If you’re a victim of domestic or sexual violence and abuse, you can access specialist help and support. For more information visit -
- Domestic violence and abuse
- Sexual violence and abuse
- Regional directory of sexual violence services
Outreach, crisis support and counselling
Outreach and drop-in services can provide support if you wish to leave prostitution.
The Belfast Drop-in Service provides specialist support for those involved in prostitution. The confidential service (which includes testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections) is provided by qualified staff and can help with a range of health protection and promotion needs, including sexual health.
Beyond Support provides a free, confidential, support service via email and phone, for women who are involved in prostitution and want to explore possible alternatives