Accessible parking bays
An accessible parking bay is a reserved space on the public road for use by Blue Badge holders only. They are also known as disabled parking bays and most are given along with other on-street parking. In some circumstances you can apply for a bay near your home or work.
Eligibility to apply for an accessible parking bay
An accessible parking bay will only be given where it can be proved there is a significant parking problem outside your house or place of work.
Parking levels will be assessed through site visits – the timings of which will be based on information you give.
If you are 65 or over
To be eligible to apply for an accessible parking bay if you are 65 or over, you only need to be a Blue Badge holder.
If you are under 65
To be eligible to apply if you are under 65 you must be a Blue Badge holder and meet one of the following criteria. You must:
- receive the higher rate of the mobility part of the Disability Living Allowance
- receive eight points or more under the ‘moving around’ activity for the mobility part of the Personal Independence Payment
- receive a War Pension Mobility Supplement
- receive a benefit under the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces Compensation Scheme within tariff levels one to eight (inclusive) and have been certified by the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (SPVA) as having a permanent impairment which causes inability to walk or a lot of difficulty walking
- be registered blind
If you are not the driver of the vehicle
Accessible parking bays are normally only for drivers with a Blue Badge. However, a bay may be given for a Blue Badge holding passenger who cannot be left alone - for example, a child under 16 who lives at the same address as the proposed driver.
When the passenger is 16 or over you need a letter from a Consultant Doctor as evidence of the need for constant attendance.
If you have access to other parking
A bay will not normally be given if you have access to a suitable driveway, garage or other off-street parking.
How to apply
You can apply for an accessible parking bay at this link:
How long the approval process takes
On receiving an application it usually takes about three weeks to finish an initial assessment. It may take a little longer if you need to give more information.
If the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) is satisfied that a bay is needed, the proposal is then checked with the local police before starting the legislation process.
The bay cannot normally be marked on the ground before the legislative process is finished. This usually takes six months as long as there are no objections.
Where accessible parking bays can be located
Accessible parking bays will be as near as possible to your home or place of work.
Bays cannot be where there are waiting or parking restrictions or where it could create a road safety problem. In these situations another suitable location will be considered close to your home.
Other information
- bays are checked periodically to make sure they are still needed
- bays cannot be reserved for individuals – any Blue Badge holder can use the bay
- there may be locations where there is a need to restrict the times that a bay can be used, for example on busier roads – you will be informed what these times are before the bay is approved and they will also be displayed on a traffic sign next to the bay
- a dropped kerb can be provided along with the bay - if you feel you need one, include this on your application
- the assessment process involves telling others, including neighbours, about asking for the bay