'Make the call': check if you can get extra benefits
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It is vital that everyone who is eligible for benefits get them.
You can contact an adviser who will assess your potential entitlement to a wide range of benefits, support and services.
They can help you make the first step in claiming what you’re entitled to.
You can also make the call on behalf of someone you care for.
If you are considering a move to Universal Credit from another benefit, you should seek independent advice before making your claim.
You can also use a benefit calculator.
The dedicated freephone number to call is:
- 0800 232 1271
You can also text ADVICE to 079 8440 5248, or email makethecall@dfcni.gov.uk.
Lines are open 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday.
You can find more information at this link:
As well as benefits advice, you may also be entitled to other services and support.