Diabetic eye screening
If you have diabetes, you’re at risk of diabetic retinopathy. This is an eye condition where diabetes damages the small blood vessels in your retina. This can affect your eyesight. Eye screening for retinopathy can detect changes to your retina. Diabetic retinopathy is a treatable condition when detected early.
Diabetic eye screening programme
If you’re aged 12 years or over and registered with a GP as having diabetes, you are at risk of diabetic retinopathy, so you should have your eyes screened regularly.
The Diabetic Eye Screening Programme (DESP) in Northern Ireland will invite you to eye screening when you are due.
You can contact the screening office to change the date or time of your appointment. You can also change your appointment online, by following the instructions in your invitation letter.
You don’t need screening for diabetic retinopathy if you have no light perception in both eyes.
Diabetic maculopathy
Screening may also detect diabetic maculopathy, an eye condition that affects your central vision.
How diabetic eye screening helps
You need to go for screening whether you see a GP or hospital consultant about your diabetes.
Eye screening is part of your diabetes healthcare.
Diabetic eye screening can detect early changes to your retina before you notice any difference in your eyesight.
When the condition is detected early, you can get treatment to reduce or prevent damage to your sight.
Going to an optician or eye clinic about another condition
A routine eyesight test by an optician doesn’t detect diabetic retinopathy.
You still need screening for this condition, if you have diabetes.
If you already have an eye condition and go to an eye clinic, you still need screening for diabetic retinopathy.
Preparing for diabetic eye screening
When you’re going to your screening appointment:
- bring your glasses or contact lenses and lens solution
- bring sunglasses in case your eyes feel sensitive after the eye drops
What happens during diabetic eye screening
Your diabetic eye screening may be at a health service site, or within a community setting.
They use a camera to take photographs of your eyes. The test takes about 15 minutes.
If you’re aged over 50, you might need eye drops to dilate your pupils.
Some people aged under 50 also need eye drops.
This helps the screening clinic take good quality photographs.
As the eye drops take around 15 minutes to work, your visit will take slightly longer.
Eye drops could affect your vision for a few hours, so you are advised to wait until your vision is clear before driving or operating machinery, which usually takes about four hours. To drive, you should be able to read a car number plate from the distance (20m) required by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.
What screening results can show
An eye specialist is responsible for checking your screening photographs. The photographs can show:
- you don’t have any signs of retinopathy or maculopathy
- you have early signs of retinopathy or maculopathy
- you need a follow-up appointment to decide if you need treatment
- you need to have more frequent checks
The screening service might need to take more photographs or see you in a special clinic if your original photographs aren’t clear.
Diabetic eye screening results
You should receive your results within three weeks of screening. The eye screening clinic sends your results by letter to:
- you
- your GP
If you go to a diabetes clinic or another eye clinic in a hospital, the consultant providing your care will also be able to see your results.
When screening results are normal
Most people have a normal result.
It’s still important to have your eyes screened, when invited.
Low risk pathway
If you receive a normal result for two consecutive screens, you will be automatically moved to the low risk pathway.
This will mean that you get an invitation every two years, rather than annually, because your risk of developing retinopathy is much lower.
When screening detects diabetic retinopathy
Depending on the level of diabetic retinopathy and any sight loss, the screening programme might refer you to an eye clinic for more tests and treatment.
Digital surveillance pathway
You may need to have your eyes monitored more closely if you are found to have any of the following:
- diabetic retinopathy that has progressed but does not yet require treatment (pre-proliferative retinopathy)
- previously successful treatment for sight-threatening retinopathy
- diabetic maculopathy (damage to the macula at the back of the eye) that does not yet require treatment
Closer monitoring in a surveillance clinic can be offered every three, six, nine or 12 months, depending on the type and progression of the changes to your eyes.
Treating diabetic retinopathy
Laser treatment is effective at preventing sight loss in most people.
This treatment can:
- stabilise the changes in your eyes caused by diabetes
- stop your vision getting worse
Laser treatment doesn’t usually improve your eyesight.
The eye specialist at the clinic can explain the advantages of getting laser treatment.
Reducing the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy
To lower the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy, it’s important to control your:
- blood pressure
- blood sugar levels
- cholesterol levels
You need to know your target levels for your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol.
If you don’t know your target levels, ask your GP or the health professional responsible for your diabetes care.
You might need to make changes to your diet, lifestyle and exercise habits.
Some people also need to take medication for their diabetes.
Opting out of diabetic eye screening
If you don’t want diabetic eye screening, you should speak to your GP or diabetic consultant.
To opt out of screening, contact the Diabetic Eye Screening Programme (DESP) office and they will send you the paperwork you need to sign and return.
Without your signed permission, the programme will continue to invite you when due.
When you opt out, the DESP won’t invite you to screening for the next three years.
You can opt in again at any time by contacting the screening programme office.