Although baronies don't exist any more, a barony was an administrative area that survived from feudal times to the 19th century and is mid-way in size between a county and a parish.
There were 59 baronies
There were 59 baronies which now make up the present-day Northern Ireland. The map shows baronies in the six counties of Northern Ireland.

Alphabetical list of baronies
- Antrim Lower
- Antrim Upper
- Ards Lower
- Ards Upper
- Armagh
- Belfast Lower
- Belfast Upper
- Cary
- Castlereagh Lower
- Castlereagh Upper
- Clanawley
- Clankelly
- Clogher
- Coleraine
- Coleraine, North East, Liberties of
- Coole
- Dufferin
- Dungannon Lower
- Dungannon Middle
- Dungannon Upper
- Dunluce Lower
- Dunluce Upper
- Fews Lower
- Fews Upper
- Glenarm Lower
- Glenarm Upper
- Iveagh Lower, Lower Half
- Iveagh Lower, Upper Half
- Iveagh Upper, Lower Half
- Iveagh Upper, Upper Half
- Keenaght
- Kilconway
- Kinelarty
- Knockninny
- Lecale Lower
- Lecale Upper
- Liberties of Londonderry
- Loughinsholin
- Lurg
- Magheraboy
- Magherastephana
- Massereene Lower
- Massereene Upper
- Mourne
- Newry, Lordship of
- Omagh East
- Omagh West
- Oneilland East
- Oneilland West
- Orior Lower
- Orior Upper
- Strabane Lower
- Strabane Upper
- Tiranny
- Tirkeeran
- Tirkennedy
- Toome Lower
- Toome Upper
- Carrickfergus