Mpox (formerly known as Monkeypox) is a rare disease that is caused by infection with mpox virus. The risk of catching mpox remains low.
Symptoms of mpox
After infection with mpox, it can take between five and 21 days for the first symptoms to appear. Initial symptoms of mpox include:
- fever
- headache
- muscle aches
- backache
- swollen lymph nodes
- chills and exhaustion
- joint pain
A rash can develop, often beginning on the face, then spreading to other parts of the body including the mouth, genitals and anus.
The rash changes and goes through different stages. It can look like chickenpox, starting as raised spots, turning into small blisters filled with fluid, then finally forming a scab which later falls off.
How you catch mpox
The infection can be passed on from person to person through:
- close physical contact with the blisters, skin lesions or scabs of someone with the infection -close contact may include sexual contact, kissing, cuddling or other skin-to-skin contact
- touching clothing, bedding or towels used by someone with mpox
- coughs or sneezing from a person with mpox when they are close to you
Mpox can also be caught from infected rodents (rats, mice and squirrels) in parts of West and Central Africa through:
- bites
- contact with the fur, skin, blood, bodily fluids, spots or blisters of infected animals
- eating meat from infected animals which is not cooked thoroughly
Risks of exposure include:
- exposure to a confirmed or probable case in the 21 days before symptom onset
- history of travel to an area where mpox is endemic, that is countries of Central and West Africa
- history of travel to a country where there is a current outbreak in the 21 days before symptom onset
- gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men (GBMSM)
It is most commonly found in West or Central Africa.
In 2022 to 2023 there was an increase in cases of mpox globally that included a small number of cases in Northern Ireland.
Since the end of 2023, an increase in cases of a new strain has again been observed in Central Africa.
Mpox in the UK
Although more people have been diagnosed with Mpox since 2022, only a small number of people in the UK have had mpox and the risk remains low.
There are no cases in of the new strain in the UK.
Mpox is unlikely in individuals who
- have not been in close contact (such as touching their skin or sharing towels, clothes or bedding) with someone who has mpox or has mpox symptoms
- have not recently travelled to West or Central Africa
Anyone can get mpox.
Currently most cases have been in men who are gay, bisexual or have sex with other men, so it's particularly important to be aware of the symptoms if you're in these groups.
Vaccination to help protect against mpox
The vaccine is recommended to people at higher risk of coming into contact with mpox.
This includes:
- gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) and some trans and non-binary people who have multiple partners, have group sex, go to sex on premises venues or have had an STI in the past year, for example chlamydia, gonorrhoea or syphilis
- staff working in sex on premises venues
- some healthcare workers in high risk settings where they may care for a patient with mpox
A single dose of vaccine should be offered as soon as possible. A second dose may be offered at least 28 days after the first dose for those at risk of ongoing mpox exposure.
Where you can get the vaccine
Gay and bisexual men, and other men who have sex with men, as well as trans and non-binary people at higher risk can get the vaccine through sexual health clinics are offering the MVA vaccine.
Healthcare workers at higher risk will be offered the vaccine from their employer.
Information on the smallpox vaccination to protect against mpox is available at the links below:
If you think you might have mpox
If you think you have mpox and have unusual rashes or lesions on any part of your body, especially your genitalia, you should contact your local healthcare provider or GUM clinic without delay if you have concerns.
If you cannot contact a sexual health clinic, you should contact your GP.
Phone first ahead of a visit to a healthcare facility.
Tell the person on the phone if you have had close contact with a person who has, or might have mpox, or if you have recently travelled to Central or West Africa.
Most recent cases in England and Europe have been in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men, so if this applies to you, the PHA is particularly encouraging you to be alert to the symptoms and seek help if concerned.
Stay at home and avoid close contact with other people, including sharing towels or bedding, until you have been told what to do.
Your call or discussion will be treated sensitively and confidentially.
If you think your child might have mpox
You should call your GP if your child has a rash with blisters and has either:
- been in close contact with someone who has or might have mpox (even if they've not been tested yet) in the past 21 days
- been to west or Central Africa in the past 21 days
They should stay at home and avoid close contact with other people, including sharing towels or bedding, until you've been told what to do.
Call the GP surgery before visiting.
Tell the person you speak to if the child had close contact with someone who has or might have mpox, or if they've recently travelled to Central or West Africa.
Further information
More information is available at: