Witness Charter
The Witness Charter sets out the rights and services for witnesses of crime called to give evidence in court, as witness for the prosecution or the defence.
The Charter applies to:
• witnesses of crime
• expert witnesses such as police, forensic and medical
Support and Information
If you are called to give evidence as a prosecution or defence witness you should:
- be recognised and treated in a courteous, respectful, sensitive, professional and non-discriminatory way by service providers
- have service providers, or a defence legal representative, take appropriate measures to help you understand what they are telling you and make sure they understand what you are telling them
- have access to free translation or interpretation
- get information on the date, time and location for giving evidence
- get information on claiming expenses, if asked to give evidence by the prosecution
- be able to bring someone of your choice to give you support
- be interviewed by the police as few times as possible
- be told if you have to give evidence at court and receive information about the timing and location of this
Prosecution witness
If you are giving evidence as a prosecution witness you are also entitled to:
- receive information on help and support available to you
- have access to free translation
- discuss any needs you have with your case officer in the Victim and Witness Care Unit and be referred to a relevant support service provider, if appropriate, who can advise you of services (including specialist services)
- be protected from contact with the defendant, their family and supporters at court, wherever possible
- ask to enter the building through a different entrance from the alleged offender and to sit in a separate waiting area, wherever possible
- deal with people who are trained appropriately in their contact with witnesses