Trampoline safety
Using a trampoline can be good exercise for children. But playing on a trampoline can also be dangerous and cause injuries so it's important to follow the safety advice. Your child should be at least six before they use a trampoline.
Safety standard
When buying a new trampoline, check it meets the European Standard EN7-14:2014.
Staying safe
To minimise the risk of an accident on a trampoline:
- don't allow them on a trampoline if they're a baby, toddler or child under six because they're not physically developed to control their bouncing
- always use a safety net to prevent falls from the trampoline
- try as best possible to bounce in the middle of the trampoline
- supervise your child and make sure they take a rest from trampolining
- only allow one child at a time to use the trampoline
- tell them to only bounce in the middle of the trampoline
- tell them to step on and off the trampoline, not to jump
- do not let children bring sticks, skateboards or anything else that could fall against themselves on the trampoline
- use safety pads to cover the springs, hooks and frame to prevent injuries on the trampoline
- don't let them go underneath the trampoline
- new trampolines should meet the European Standard EN71-14:20184
- put the trampoline on energy absorbing ground, such as soft and springy lawn, bark woodchip, sand or other cushioning material that is secured so it cannot tip over or be moved in windy conditions, not on hard surfaces such as concrete, tarmac or hard packed mud
- don't put the trampoline on hard surfaces such as concrete, tarmac or hard packed mud without absorbent safety matting
Domestic trampolines aren't suitable for doing somersaults or flips.