Remember to put clocks back this weekend
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Make sure you remember to put your clocks back this weekend. British Summer Time ends on Sunday 27 October. You don’t want to miss that extra hour in bed.

Reset clocks on Saturday night
Think about resetting any household clocks, watches and time-based equipment on Saturday night that don't automatically change. You don't want to spend Sunday wondering why you're early and everyone else is late.
The equipment you may need to reset includes:
- clocks (especially alarm clocks)
- central heating and hot water timers
- your mobile phone and computer (if they don't automatically update)
Greenwich Mean Time
British Summer Time starts on the last Sunday in March and ends on the last Sunday in October.
This means that:
- in autumn the clocks go back - at 2.00 am British Summer Time moves to 1.00 am Greenwich Mean Time
- in spring the clocks go forward - at 1.00 am Greenwich Mean Time moves to 2.00 am British Summer Time